Saturday, September 28, 2024

Wonky Queenslander at Earth Frequency Festival 2024

May 2024

Tuning into the Earth Frequency with the Wonky Queenslander crew, helping out with some decorating, painting, lettering.. Super fun times with Wonky Crew and of course all the dance floor mayhem that ensues. If you find yourself in Queensland looking for a solid theme camp crew to align with, Wonky is the way to go. 

Monday, August 5, 2024


--> September 2023

Always a pleasure to link up with Nambour's nicest artist SWAK. We got busy with some tunnel vision..

I wish he had some kind of internet presence or social media so you could witness how good he is with a spray can. Keep your eyes peeled on the Bad Habit Records roller door..


--> SEPTEMBER 2023 

The Lewd Laundry was set for another rinse and spin at the Jungle Love Campout. 

Airing out your dirty laundry with Lemon Myrtle and Fab Lavender, and crafting clean consciousness with our collaborative clothesline. 

Always a joy to facilitate truth telling and self-healing with sparkly clean outcomes and uplifting positive vibes. Such a great way to start off a festival, dumping all the dirt and making way for love and playfulness. 🕊


--> September 2023 

Jungle Love Festivals' reincarnation as a Campout was such a pleasure to participate in. Lovely people bringing in all the good vibes and so much love. 

I was invited to help splash some paint around for the Freestyle Fridays Crew. With a crate full of scrap tins, some acrylic house paint, large wooden panels were transformed into a giant boombox as a backdrop to their theme camp stage. Fun times indeed. If you're in Brisbane, looking to flex some rap skills, get down to their monthly jams at the Diffused Studios in Woolloongabba.  


 --> AUGUST 2023

JOSKE and MANNA were a last minute ring in for the Ground Z Hip Hop Invasion at the Black Box Theatre in Nambour. There were zero female / queer artists until we hit the stage. Full force femme energy spitting hot raps about sex work, safety work and general shit talk. Check out the shitty mobile phone photos provided by astonished punters as were tore up the stage. Nambour wasn't and still isn't ready. 

Massive thanks to MATH FEELS for pressing the DJ buttons and the Ground Zero crew for throwing us a bone. 

Friday, August 2, 2024


--> JULY 2023 

I was approached by Jamie at MORTS BREWING CO. to sprinkle a little sparkle around their beer garden. Morts focus on producing sensational craft beer using premium ingredients resulting in a premium product and constant rotating taps of amber goodness.

The design brief was simple. Jamie like the look of some cracked concrete block lettering I had previously created on the bad habits roller door, so he was set on having that in the design.

I talked him into letting me try my hand at layered stencils to add some cheeky hops and wheat characters. I had access to a laser cutter and wanted to give it a crack. The stencils turned out dope, but they were a total pain in the arse to make and use and I probably will avoid stencils from here on in.

Get yourself down to MORTS and support a local fella in Nambour pouring his heart and soul into his delicious craft beer.   

Thursday, July 6, 2023


 The crew at BAD HABIT RECORDS have a monthly rolling roster of artists to paint their shop roller door and I was invited to throw some graffiti up on the 1st June! It was tricky painting in the dark, (massive shoutout to my partner in rhyme, Manna, for lighting up the spot and taking a few cheeky photos!) 

Here's a progress shot of me using a phone torch light to see my lines.. 

And here is a night time and day time photo for your visual enjoyment..

Pop into the shop at The Old Ambulance Station, Nambour and check out their incredible range of vinyl and collectible toys!